
Pembroke Soup




Team Fundraisers

Pembroke Soup has been a well established and much loved part of Pembroke life for the last 8 years. It provides a platform for local community groups with big ideas to get news about their projects of passion out to the wider community. 
This is a wonderful event for networking and socialising and sampling a variety of delicious soups and raising enough money from ticket sales for the small groups to receive some funds for their beloved causes.

Pembroke Town Team are very proud to have been asked to take over the running of Pembroke Soup to ensure this great initiative continues for many years to come. 

We are hoping to have quarterly Soups starting from June 1st followed by September 7th, December 7th and March 1st 2025.

We are raising funds to cover the running costs of this event so that all money raised on the day can go directly to these smaller community groups.

We can't wait to see you at one of these fabulous meals.
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Pembroke Town Team


Pembroke charity aims to revive town pride and boost local commerce through events and fundraising. Public donations and business sponsorships sought to support efforts.

What your gift could provide


Would cover the cost of ingredients for a big pot of soup


Would buy us some delicious bread from a local supplier


would pay for the hire of the venue.