Friends of Phoenix School Logo

Friends of Phoenix School

Peterborough | Disability


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The Friends of the Phoenix is a small group of parents and other volunteers whose purpose is to raise money for the school. The money is used exclusively for the benefit of the students in helping to finance extra curricular activities, trips outings the purchase of additional materials, toys, equipment and electrical and mechanical aids. Our aim mirrors that of the school in that we wish to extend and enrich the experience of the students and to assist in developing their full potential.

Why the community needs us

Our aim is to raise awareness of disablities in the local community. We encourage involement between the students of the Phoenix with other local schools. We have three specialised mini buses that the Friends of Phoenix have raised money towards which help the students access the community.

Our impact on the community

Our mini buses are an important part of students school life. They are used for school holidays which provide parents with respite, they transport students to college for transtions and work experience,class outings. They have a great impact on all aspects of the Phoenix Schools programmes of learning. We work very close with other fundraising charities like the Woodenspoon who helped us raise money for a specialised playground which includes a wheelchair swing and roundabout.

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Our details

Phoenix School, Peterborough PE2 5SD

£4.01k raised from 7 pages

Chloe is running for Phoenix

£255 raised since March 2016

Steph Skydives for Pheonix

£1.00k raised since May 2015

Charity Skydive for Phoenix School

£612.5 raised since March 2015

Clare's Paris Marathon

£1.00k raised since March 2015

Charity Male Intimate Waxing

£166.25 raised since March 2015


£768.75 raised since February 2015

Jump for children of The Phoenix school

£206.25 raised since June 2014