
Reading on the Isle of Wight






Team Fundraisers

We are now starting up on the Isle of Wight!  To start with, we aim to set up a small group in Ryde, with a view to expanding the service across the island.  We are looking for volunteers from the Ryde area to join the team and take on specific roles including Literacy Specialist, Fundraiser, Volunteer Recruiter and we are particularly interested to hear from anybody who would like to be a Coach.  We are holding an information session at Ryde Library on Thurs 27 April from 2.00pm - 4.30pm.

As explained on our main page - we provide free, confidential one to one coaching for adults who wish to learn to read or want help to improve their reading skills.  Those receiving coaching are called Readers and are matched with their own personal coach.  A Reader and Coach meet twice a week in a safe space such as a library, but care is taken to ensure they have privacy.  The emphasis is on building a relationship of trust and making sure the learning process is both flexible and fun.  

We already have some amazing coaches in Southampton who are making a real difference. Lucy has been coaching for over a year shared her thoughts:

“I knew I wanted to try a new challenge and becoming a coach has been fantastic – I’m doing something that is making a real difference. I can honestly say it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done”

We are also looking for people in Ryde who may need our help. Maybe you have a friend, relative or colleague who has struggled with reading for a long time and could benefit from one-to-one support? Are you part of an organisation that could refer readers to us?  In Southampton we are currently helping 49 adults to feel more confident about reading and we want the same success for the Island.   

Please contact Allison Walker - for all initial enquiries about this project.  


Read Easy Southampton and Isle of Wight

Southampton | Education & Training

Read Easy Southampton and Isle of Wight Logo

What your gift could provide


Goes toward a set of reading books, which cost £17


Goes toward a set of reading manuals, which cost £45


Goes toward training a Coach, which costs £56

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