
Restore the Montgomery Canal - Montgomery Waterway Restoration Trust

Oswestry | Arts, Culture & Heritage

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Raised in 2024


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Can you help volunteers to restore more of the Montgomery Canal?
You probably know the 200 + years old Montgomery Canal as one of the most beautiful and historic canals in the country. Locks, bridges and aqueducts survive and its unique natural heritage is protected by Sites of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Area of Conservation.

Over 60% has now been reopened and work continues to sympathetically reopen more of the canal, including building new nature reserves.

Recently, fantastic volunteers have re-opened 1.5 miles of the restored Canal to Crickheath in Shropshire. Another success is that Schoolhouse Bridge in Crickheath which was demolished in the 1950s will be rebuilt later this year.

Now we need your donations to keep volunteers supplied with the materials and hired equipment they need to carry on their work to restore the next section towards the Welsh border at Llanymynech. Your generosity will really make a difference, as without it work could slow down or stop. And don’t forget to sign the Gift Aid option (if you can) – it means we can get a tax rebate which adds 25% to the value of your donation.”

We have a team of skilled and experienced volunteers who are ready to carry on the restoration. Thanks to the sterling efforts of these volunteers who come from many parts of the country and give their time freely, total costs for the restoration are kept down. We just need your donation to pay for plant hire and materials.

If you would like to see the Montgomery Canal reopened, please donate whatever you can and we look forward to you being able to visit and see what you have helped to rebuild for the future.

Why not visit our Appeals page to see how we are doing towards our target and see a video of the recently reopened section of the Montgomery Canal.

If you would like to get in touch, please email us on appeal@themontgomerycanal.org.uk.        

What your gift could provide


pays to hire a digger for one hour


restores 1.5m of towpath


buys materials to waterproof 1m of canal bed

Our details

£163.25k raised from 1 page

Will you help volunteers restore more of the Montgomery Canal?

£163.25k raised since July 2024