"What if we stumble? What if we fall? If the world we exist in makes no sense at all? And what if in darkness we can't see the light? And we start to consider to give up the fight?"
This can be a daily reality for many people who come to RTProjects. They can feel they have nothing to live for, without hope, or that the world would be better off without them.
County Durham’s suicide rate is significantly higher than the suicide rate for England. Yet suicide is a leading preventable cause of death. Recovery is posible.
Most of the people we work with are already accessing mental health services yet they are often trapped in a revolving door of torment. Subject to repeat hospital stays, repeated self harm and repeated suicide attempts, alcohol and substance misuse to numb the pain. Eventually suicide feels the only way out.
There are limited services in Durham, to deal with the catastrophic effects of living like this. The services that do exist are oversubscribed.
Our communities desperately need us. We offer people hope; The RTProjects community is full of people who share experiences of recovery and are able to show that there can be a better future.
At RTProjects people can find a light, a hope, a belief in themselves. Through creativity they can find a way out of the darkness.