Sing For Better Health groups Brighton & Hove Logo

Sing For Better Health groups Brighton & Hove

BRIGHTON | Disability


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Our four popular Sing For Better Health groups are for older people, or those with long-term health problems, e.g. breathing difficulties, Parkinson's, Stroke, Depression. They are also a great chance to make friends and have fun. No singing ability is required. The groups' aim is to improve health and wellbeing, using a combination of relaxation/ stretching/ breathing exercises, and singing songs together. Since lockdown in March 2020 we have been running our groups via Zoom. They have been a lifeline for our singers (please see our testimonials: https://www.singforbetterhealth.co.uk/testimonials/testimonials-zoom). Our singers have grown even closer since lockdown, with many of them attending all four groups per week. They chat, joke and laugh between songs - a very uplifting and supportive atmosphere!
Zoom has made it possible for everyone to attend - even singers who are too frail or disabled to travel to venues.

Why the community needs us
Singing profoundly benefits health and wellbeing - It improves posture, breathing and lung function, and It strengthens the immune system - particularly important at this time of Covid! People fall ill less (reduction in medication, visits to GPs & hospitals).- Singing improves mood, relieves depression and isolation, reduces stress levels- Singing boosts confidence and stimulates the brain. See below the results of a research project, using our groups, and www.singforbetterhealth.co.uk

Our impact on the community
Results of a Sing For Better Health research project of Medical School of University of Sussex: Breathing and Posture: 71,5% increased control in breathing, 24% increase in exercise tolerance. Speech: 14.2% increased vocal projection. Social and Mood: 81% created new friendships,19% felt able to join other groups, 71,4% increased their sense of happiness. Healthcare professionals and medication use: 24% decreased number of GP visits, 9% decreased hospital admissions, 19% decreased medication

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