
St Catherine's Church

Telegraph Hill | Community Support & Development

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Raised in 2024


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In 2017/2018 St Catherine's Church and Telegraph Hill Centre spent our reserves on paying some large costs, principally for a new boiler which services the whole building. We asked you for help, and you didn't let us down. Thank you. Now, we need your help again.

Why the community needs us

Please help us to fulfil our plans for: a pair of automatic doors to the Centre to improve access for people with buggies or mobility scooters; upgrading the paving and paths heavily used by all in the churchyard; renovating the kitchen in the Narthex to professional caterer standard. Both Centre and Church will contribute 50% towards the considerable costs.We need your help to fund the rest.

Our impact on the community

Plus we have more on our wish list! The Telegraph Hill Centre is primarily self-funding and hosts more than 1,000 people every week. We need your help to upgrade access and the most heavily used kitchen. One-off capital investments like this make a huge difference to the safety and user-experience of Centre users, ensure our future financial viability and underscore our commitment to future generations. Please help.

What your gift could provide


Buys 10% of the cost of one automatic door


Buys a square metre of paving


Pays for two professional chef's kitchen units

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