SPACE (Suckley Parish Academy and Community Enterprises Logo

SPACE (Suckley Parish Academy and Community Enterprises



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Our Aim
To provide a building that is useful and welcoming, and which will create opportunities to bring people together and strengthen the spirit of this scattered community.

How have we been doing?
The main body of the church (the Nave) is now a useful space with a beautiful oak floor and underfloor heating. By opening up the space for multifunction use, the adjacent school can now use the area for assemblies and other pupil/parent gatherings, concerts, drama, PE and dance. Events are vital to the health of a community, and our Ceilidh to celebrate the new floor was a great success. Other events such as music, art, concerts, exhibitions, Flicks-in-the-Sticks, lunch clubs, cross generation teas and other gathering opportunities will use the space too when the toilet and kitchen are installed.

What is our immediate goal?
Our goal for 2022 prioritises a universal access toilet with baby change and a kitchen to be hidden but easily accessible behind a bi-fold oak screen in the North Transept.
Above the kitchen and toilet will be a small room, with a glazed screen in the current arch, offering an area for parents and toddlers, and a small meeting room.

What plans lie ahead?
We intend to create a soundproof  Community Room. The arches of the vestry will be glazed to create a sound proof room with independent access. The organ has been moved out to the south aisle, and the vestry entrance will be made accessible for all.
This creates a new and important Community Room with independent access. A grant was obtained for fast internet to be installed, enabling this new room to be used for Citizens Advice liaison - providing help with signing up for Blue Badges, ordering repeat prescriptions, training to get on line safely, and all other help Citizens Advice offers. It is particularly useful that the Housing Association homes are just a short walk away. Families walk past daily going to the school next door, so the church has become a natural gathering place.

How will we achieve this?
We have currently raised over £300,000 from grants and individual donations. The project is phased, and work will only start on each phase when funds are available. Our first phase, to lay the oak floor and underfloor heating, was finished in 2019.

With YOUR help, SPACE will bring new opportunities to the scattered village of Suckley, which will finally have a community space large enough and with all the necessary facilities to enable gatherings that can be socially distanced.  This valued listed building will become a user friendly resource and offer so much more to the whole village - a community at risk from social isolation.

THANK YOU for helping to bring new life to the heart of this rural community.      

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