
South Yorkshire Refugee Law and Justice

Sheffield | Human Rights

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Raised in 2024


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We aim to:improve access to justice for individual asylum seekers; to improve the quality of decision- making in the asylum system by conducting research relevant to individual asylum claims; to demystify the asylum system and to increase public participation in it.

Why the community needs us

We aim to help asylum seekers who live in our community to gain access to the legal system, or at least to have a better opportunity to present their case for gaining refugee status. Our clients are mainly destitute and have often given up all hope of anyone being able to help them. They cannot return to their homes but have no security in the UK.

Our impact on the community

What your gift could provide


pays for an asylum seeker to retrieve their papers from the Home Office


pays for expenses for all our volunteers for one week


pays for the basic training course for new volunteers

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