The Edge Cafe Cambridge Logo

The Edge Cafe Cambridge



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The Edge is a social enterprise run to provide a welcoming and supportive community space, with a vibrant café at the heart of our offer.

We promote community-led recovery to support people to turn their lives around, the Edge is run by individuals who are on this challenging journey themselves.

The Edge is a place where community groups can come to meet, and where individuals can come to find more social interaction in their lives.

The café serves wholesome and sustainable homemade food, in a happy and beautiful setting.

We are here to form part of the fabric of life in Cambridge, a fast-growing city made up of many diverse and transient communities. Our mission is to work with the network of community support organisations to enrich the lives of our neighbours in this ever-changing city.

The Edge works closely with, and sometimes on behalf of, other organisations in the treatment system. We promote the use of countywide commissioned drug and alcohol treatment services as an integral part of recovery from addiction, our role is to complement and expand upon what is on offer in the core treatment system.  

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