
The Quilt Association

Llanidloes | Arts, Culture & Heritage

https://dhr91o08xrgul.cloudfront.net/image/vco_28274_c9706b47e3e58c9242bf23cb23a6df1e.jpg Logo


Raised in 2024


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"We found it in a cupboard after Mum died"; "Could you take it? Our kids don't want it."; "This was always on my granny's bed when I was a child. I loved how soft and warm it felt." These are just some of the things that have been said to us when people pass on quilts into our care. We now have a growing collection of over 200 beautiful antique quilts which would otherwise have been sent to a jumble sale, charity shop or, horror of horrors, to a landfill site. These quilts are part of our heritage. They tell us so much about the families that made, used and treasured them. The way they are constructed, the fabrics used, the quilting patterns employed. All these unique clues to the social history of the time. We are passionate about them, we want everyone to see them and our hope is that future generations will appreciate and value them as we do.

Why the community needs us

Our quilts are stored in the Minerva Arts Centre, a building owned by us but which is also a community hub. In a very rural area it's a warm, safe and versatile place to meet. It's used by many local groups as well as for larger events. Our quilt exhibitions are manned by volunteer stewards who love to feel that they're helping us but in return they get tea, biscuits and a chat! Contemporary textile artists and local artists also exhibit here - a chance to show their work in a 'real gallery'.

Our impact on the community

We know by the comments in our Visitors' Book that people appreciate us. We know that we have engaged people with our collection and got them thinking about the 'stories' that quilts can tell us. We know that our quilts have an appeal to old and young; male and female; people who live locally, are just visiting or who make a special trip to see our exhibitions. If that leads to someone saving a quilt, taking up quilting or understanding that heritage is important, we're happy. Please support us.

What your gift could provide


pays for a storage box for one quilt plus acid free tissue for wrapping


keeps our lights and freezer on (to kill bugs in new donations!) for a week


pays to heat our building for one week

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