
The Tywi Gateway Trust

Carmarthen | Arts, Culture & Heritage

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Raised in 2024


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Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Drws i'r Dyffryn yn gweithio gyda'r gymuned leol i adfer ac adfywio Parc yr Esgob ac adeiladau allanol Hen Balas yr Esgob. 

The Tywi Gateway Trust is working with the local community to restore and rejuvenate the Bishop's Park and the outbuildings of the Old Bishop's Palace.

Pam mae’r gymuned ein hangen -  Why the community needs us
Mae’r parc yn agos at galon pawb ac yn safle o ddiddordeb hanesyddol, garddwriaethol a diwylliannol arbennig. Mae’n gartref i nifer o rywogaethau prin a bywyd gwyllt gwarchodedig. Mae’r hafan heddychlon hon, gyda’i golygfeydd prydferth, yn cael ei adfywio er mwynhad y gymuned gyfan.

The park is a much loved and extraordinary site of historic, horticultural and cultural interest. Home to many species of rare and protected wildlife. This peaceful haven, with its beautiful views and vistas is being brought back to life for the whole community to enjoy.

Ein effaith ar y gymuned - Our impact on the community
Rydym yn creu lle diogel i fwynhau’r awyr agored, gan gyfrannu tuag at les ein hymwelwyr a’r gymuned leol. Byddwn yn darparu cyfleoedd i archwilio’r hanes a dysgu mwy am y rhan bwysig hon o’n treftadaeth. 

We are creating a safe space to enjoy the outdoors, contributing to the wellbeing of our visitors and local community. We will provide opportunities to explore the history and learn more about this important part of our heritage.

What your gift could provide


could buy a new native tree. Gallai £10 yn prynu coeden frodorol newydd


could restore 1m of path. Gallai £30 yn adfer 1m o lwybr


could repair 1/2m of the ha-ha. Gallai £100 yn atgyweirio 1/2m o'r ha-ha

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