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Theatr Bara Caws

Caernarfon | Arts, Culture & Heritage


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Cwmni'r bobl yw Bara Caws sydd wedi bod yn teithio sioeau o bob math i galon cymunedau Cymru ers dros 40 mlynedd. Ymfalchïwn yn ein gallu i gynnig profiadau theatrig o'r radd flaenaf sy'n dod ag adloniant a chyffro, dyfeisgarwch a pherthnasedd i gynulleidfaoedd ar lawr gwlad./Bara Caws belongs to the people of Wales and have been taking theatre to the hearts of our communities for over 40 yrs.We pride ourselves on presenting original, relevant work to the widest possible cross-section of society

Why the community needs us
Diwallwn yr angen am theatr broffesiynol Gymraeg yn y gymuned. Teithiwn yn eang i roi cyfle i bawb weld profiadau theatrig. Ceisiwn gyfoethogi ein cymunedau a sicrhau cenhedlaeth newydd o ymarferwyr creadigol i alluogi'r etifeddiaeth hon i oroesi./ We fulfill the demand for professional Welsh language theatre in the community and tour extensively offering live theatre to all. We aim to enrich communities and ensure a new generation of creative practitioners so that the legacy continues.

Our impact on the community
Does neb arall yn cyflwyno rhaglen waith mor amrywiol a chyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd o bob math. Yn y 10 mlynedd diwethaf yn unig rydym wedi cyflwyno 42 cynhyrchiad, perfformio 825 gwaith, teithio 33,000 milltir ac mae mwy na 91,300 wedi dod i'n gweld./ No other company presents such a diverse artistic programme reaching the widest possible audience base. In the last 10 years alone we have presented 42 productions, performed 825 times, toured 33,000 miles and more than 91,300 have been to see us.

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