
Global Gardens






Team Fundraisers

We have weekly gardening sessions every Saturday 3-6 pm and a monthly community supper every last Tuesday of the month.

Why they need our service

Global Gardens is a community growing and cooking project based in Cardiff. Our vision is to enable sharing of food and cultures. At the allotment site we are cultivating an organic kitchen garden, celebrating crops from around the world.The crops grown are used in our monthly community suppers at the Embassy café and other community-shared meals.Through cultivating crops and sharing meals, we aim to support intercultural communication, understanding and access to healthy, nourishing food.

Plan and expected results

Over the next year we aim to host 40 garden sessions and 12 monthly suppers. We are asking for support to make this happen. Any donation will be much appreciated. £20 will cover a community feast for 20 people. £40 will pay for the rent and materials needed to maintain one raised bed in the allotment for one year.


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