
Transition Cambridge

Cambridge | Community Support & Development

https://dhr91o08xrgul.cloudfront.net/image/vco_16668_db611e28bc3ec7cc2128c367f17f56b3.jpg Logo


Raised in 2024


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We are a group of volunteers dedicated to creating a vibrant, prosperous and sustainable future for Cambridge. As oil prices rise and our climate becomes more unpredictable, we need to build strong communities that are more localised in our dealings, so that we are less dependent on global oil and distant food etc. And as we get to know each other better, grow more of our own food and build up local business, we believe that Cambridge will prosper and become an even more enjoyable place to live!

Why the community needs us

Providing a supportive framework that enables all of us to become involved in initiatives that help develop more sustainable lifestyles

Our impact on the community

Through educational activities, practical help and edible produce we reach and encourage several thousand people in Cambridge each year.

What your gift could provide


Buy seeds to grow vegetables, enhance a garden or improve the environs


Hire a meeting room to advise on energy efficiency in the home


Purchase equipment to help harvest fruit that would normally go to waste

Our details

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