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Community of Purpose CIC

Bristol | Community Support & Development


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We transform the lives & futures of young people through businesses who act as a force for good. We do this by delivering 3 innovative & inclusive programmes. They have been carefully designed to engage hard to reach groups, enhance community cohesion across Bristol, offer participation in education and physical activity as well as celebrate the incredible achievements of young people. We work closely with the business community so they can actively play a part in helping Bristol to become a better place.

Underlying poverty and community issues have been exacerbated by the economic crisis and the change to Universal Credit.  This has left many families unable to afford access to these opportunities, and in many cases has even undermined their ability to access basic needs such as food and getting 3 meals a day. So, rather than looking forward to the school holidays they have become for many a stressful time, when families who already struggle find it even harder to provide for their children and young people. 

Families who are already accessing food banks to help them feed their families have to provide another meal a day to cover the school holiday lunch times. 
Young people with lots of energy and enthusiasm have to try and be entertained using only activities that cost no money, and so many of them end up sitting in front of screens, playing in the streets, or going to local parks where they can sometimes get into trouble or make mischief for the wider community.   
Schools have huge pressures on their budgets so are unable to staff and run activities on their premises much as they would like to offer these services to access their amazing facilities that often lie unused in the school holiday periods.
Traditional holiday camps or provision often run all day to provide childcare for working families and need to charge for their services to make their programmes sustainable and to cover their staff wages. Yet £15/day per young person is not affordable or accessible for families who are already struggling financially.
Many of the young people who may receive a high level of support when in their school then go back to having none during their school holidays. Yet many of them need these pastoral services to help them to from falling back academically or to stop other issues escalating in their lives.

£36.25 raised from 1 page

Community of Purpose Lockdown Quiz

£36.25 raised since June 2020