Wiltshire Service Users' Network was the first User led organisation in Wiltshire . It was formed in 1991 by people who use health and social services, to promote user involvement and support people to have a voice.
We do this by: Building on peoples skills and experiences. Giving people information so they can make more informed life choices. Encouraging peer support. Working with communities to develop their ideas and projects. We support people with disabilities including physical and sensory, those on the autistic spectrum, people with mental health experiences, long term conditions and older people.
Our projects include our Wellbeing groups: The Wiltshire Autism Hub provides 1 to 1 support through mentoring for autistic people aged 14 years + and their families who live in Wiltshire.Find Your Voice singing and social group for people with Parkinson's, other neurological conditions and long term conditions and their relatives and carers.Walking Buddy scheme which supports people with mental health experiences or long term conditions to get out and about by providing a buddy to accompany a person on a walk to increase confidence, reduce isolation and increase physical activity.Wiltshire and BANES Travel support scheme enabling people to develop the skills to travel independently, through walking, bus or train journeys.
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