Building racial bridges, breaking down barriers and creating a legacy of equality. Developing a brighter future for black people and working with anyone, who wants a better world for all. Our specialist area is Afro hair and we want everyone to be free to play, free to learn and free to work with their Afro hair. 6 year old Anaya's hair was cut without parental permission; five year old Josiah Sharpe was denied two weeks of playtime and 14 year old, Ruby Williams was not allowed to wear her Afro hair out at school for two years. We want to end these situations and for Afro hair to be treated as normal. We want to create positive solutions for Afro hair equality in schools and society.
Why the community needs usOur research with De Montfort Univeristy found that 1 in 6 children with Afro hair is having a bad experience in school. Children can feel inferior or excluded at school. Many parents also feel helpless and forced to accept outdated hair rules that hurt their children. Our evidence can challenge this discrimination. 95% of people with Afro hair want bias school hair policies removed. They also want new protection in UK law for Afro hair, like laws in the US. We want to support these goals.
Our impact on the communityWe have created World Afro Day® an annual day of change, education and celebration of Afro hair, culture and identity. The event is held on 15th September and is endorsed by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. It raises awareness about Afro hair discrimination in London but online and through the media, we have reached estimates of over 10 million people. Hair discrimination is now taken more seriously because our campaign work and Hair Equality Report.