We work with care leavers (children who live in local authority care) aged 16 plus. We aim to supplement the statutory care received up to 18 to make sure they have the opportunities that their non-looked after peers would have. We also provide assistance post 18 when the statutory support is largely withdrawn to help them become independent. Our work focuses on education and leisure activities to inspire care leavers to feel less marginalised, less alone and become ambitious for their futures.
Why the community needs usBy working with this particularly disadvantaged group we can help the whole community in many different ways. Some care leavers (due to circumstances beyond their control) find themselves in gangs, involved in crime and with substance and alcohol abuse problems. Many have poor mental and physical health and low educational qualifications. By supporting care leavers comprehensively we can turn their fortunes around and prevent them becoming another statistic and cost to the community.
Our impact on the communityWe have helped 100 care leavers in the last year to sustain their accommodation and make positive progress towards becoming independent adults. We have supported 32 unaccompanied asylum seekers to integrate and learn to live in South London. We have provided 25 educational workshops and activities from film making to t-shirt design, healthy eating to outdoor adventure. We have helped 14 care leavers into apprenticeships or training opportunities.