Supporting the nation's CICs

Too small to register as a charity? Not a problem, Localgiving is uniquely placed to offer you benefits and opportunities usually only available to larger charities.

"Online fundraising was daunting for us as we had never done it before. Localgiving really held our hands and made it all possible, we are eternally grateful as we would have struggled to continue without the money we raised."

The Kind Bay Initiative CIC

Here to help you raise more funds

Even if you aren’t registered with the Charity Commission, a Localgiving membership entitles you to access full Gift Aid benefits and the ability to claim back 25p every time an individual donates £1. What’s more, we take all the hassle out of Gift Aid. Your donors donate through our platform, and you’ll get the extra money without lifting a finger. No fuss, no admin, we’ll do the lot! But Gift Aid isn’t the only benefit --->

Access to a powerful platform

We will give you the tools to hit your fundraising goals quickly and easily. Our platform supports all payment methods, including managing your Direct Debits, and make it straightforward to track all your donations in one place.

The human touch

We know that fundraising isn’t easy and are focussed on helping you each step of the way – whatever your level of experience. By joining us, you’ll receive support from our friendly and committed team, dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Further ways of fundraising

Our platform makes it quick and easy for people to fundraise for you, and to set up appeals for specific targets. Plus, our members gain exclusive access to major grants from the likes of National Grid and matched donation opportunities.

Be part of a vibrant community

Our diverse and active community has thousands of members from the across the nation from all sorts of groups. Join today to receive exclusive access to additional fundraising support, resources, webinars, advice and support in marketing and communications.

We recommend Localgiving all the time. It's easy to use for fundraising, excellent for straightforward grant applications and having a dedicated person who you can get to know is fantastic. We're pretty confident but we've appreciated this support too, and we love it that organisations who are very new or lack confidence or skills have a real person to turn to! Also, as Localgiving is a charity itself, it aligns with our values.

Circus Eruption