
Localgiving is a not-for-profit organisation and all fees we take go towards covering our operation, development and marketing costs. We try to keep our fees to a minimum, however we feel that it is important that Localgiving is run using a sustainable business model, ensuring that we can continue to help local charitable organisations into the future. We work hard to make sure that we offer a high-quality service to all of our registered groups and supporters.

Our fees are split into three separate revenue streams. The first is through annual subscriptions paid by groups for Localgiving membership. The second is through voluntary tips made by donors and the 5% commission taken from donations over £200.

Subscription fee

Membership of Localgiving is £150 + £30 VAT, charged annually as a single transaction.

For this, groups gain access to a range of benefits, including:

  • A dedicated page about their organisation
  • Single and monthly online donation processing
  • Fundraiser and project pages
  • Automated Gift Aid processing, even for unregistered groups
  • Free tips, training and advice
  • Regular match funding opportunities


Donation fee

Donors are asked to pay a voluntary tip to Localgiving on donations under £200. Donations over £200 are subject to a 5% fee which is either deducted from the total amount of the donation or covered by the donor.  All fees retained by Localgiving are used to cover the cost of maintaining a secure online donations service.


Processing fee

The most cost-effective way to make a one-time donation is with a UK debit card, which incurs a third-party payment processing fee of 1.9% + 20p.

You can also choose to donate using your PayPal account.

A full list of payment processing fees can be found below:

  • 1.9% + 20p for donations made using UK debit cards, credit cards, and PayPal
  • 2.9% + 20p for PayPal donations made from Europe (any country within the EEC)
  • 2.9% + 26p for all International cards and all American Express
  • 3.9% + 20p for all PayPal donations made from countries outside the UK and Europe (any country within the EEC)

Monthly Direct Debits are processed by GoCardless, who charge 20p per transaction.