
The 100 Years War RAG panto for York Carers Centre




Team Fundraisers

The University of York's Pantomime Society (PantSoc) are putting together a film of this years RAG panto of The 100 Years War. The money raised during screening of the film will go to the York Carers Centre, who do outstanding work in supporting carers of all ages and background, especially during these trying times. 

about the charity:
York Carers Centre supports people who care for a relative or friend of all ages for free. Unpaid carers save the country £132 billion pounds a year and are vital to our health care services. 73% of young carers have taken time out of school for caring responsibilities and  88% of carers feel they have not received enough support from the government.  Young carers and young adult carers (considered 25 and under) are often incredibly empathetic, resilient and organised young people who need support. York Carers Centre helps provide respite and opportunities to socialise to tackle isolation, heavily reported as an issue amongst young carers. Activities such as going to local attractions like Jorvik or activities such as pottery painting are held often to let young carers have fun and relax, helping them cope with their responsibilities better.
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York Carers Centre

York | Social Welfare