
100 Great North Runs in 100 Days ..

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

Ok here we go…. On Saturday 4 June 2016 I will set off and attempt a journey of 1320 miles carrying on my back best part of 7 stone my trusty 42kg Smeg Fridge.. 100 Great North Runs in 100 days.carrying a Fridge! I will run as near as possible the exact Great North Run route every day from 4 June until the official Great North Run on 11 September 2016. Which means I will be running a Half Marathon carrying a 93lb Smeg Fridge everyday for over 14 weeks! As you may already know in 2012 I ran 30 GNR’S in 30 Days and only just made it to the end. This time the fridge is heavier and the journey is off the scale! I will be running in the main on an evening so that anybody training for this year’s GNR can join me for a few miles and a chat. I expect the toll on my body and mind is likely to be enormous and the journey we can safely say fits into the category of impossible, but I believe in the youth of today as they are the future of our community. BCT Aspire gives hope, self esteem, confidence and a sense of belonging to young people of all abilities and backgrounds. Please be as generous as you can afford for this fantastic community organisation.