15,000 ft Skydive for Kinergy charity

0% Raised
Clementine is raising money for charity. Make a donation to help them reach the fundraising target. You can also help by sharing the page to encourage more people to donate.
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Online donations: £0.00
Match funding: £0.00
Raised offline: £0.00
Gift Aid: £0.00
Total raised: £0.00
Clementine is fundraising for Kinergy

A specialist counselling agency offering support to survivors of sexual abuse and violence.
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About Kinergy Skydive

Kinergy is a Bristol based charity that has been providing free, specialist, trauma-informed counselling and group therapy for survivors of sexual abuse and sexual violence since 1996. They offer a fully inclusive and accessible service for all adults living in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, and Bath and North East Somerset. They aim to help survivors to develop coping mechanisms, understand their experience and improve their mental health and general wellbeing.


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