
Steve Collett's 750K Swim 2016

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

Dear All I've received fantastic support during the last 3 months of this 2016 swim from you and it is much appreciated. I finished the swim on the 20th December having finally completed 813k (505 miles) in the calendar year many many thanks to you all and all the best for 2107 Steve Tomorrow's Women Wirral (TWW) is a brilliant local charity, set up in 2011 to give practical effect to the recommendations of the Corston Report (Baroness Jean Corston's report to government in 2007) to provide community resources and help to women at risk of committing crime, those going through the criminal justice system and those in prison. In her own words Corston argued for a "distinct, radically different, visibly-led, strategic, proportionate, holistic, woman-centred, integrated approach" This was needed to stop the use (dumping) of women in prison for offences that would not attract custody for men committing similar crimes. The idea is simple but organisationally difficult to deliver - a community resource where women can access those services - health, social and educational services, employment and training, counselling, housing, personal support and help with substance misuse and mental health problems - that will make a real difference to their lives and those they care for. Although TWW has worked in close partnership with the Probation Service, Merseyside Rehabilitation Company and the wider criminal justice system and receives some financial support from partners, the trustees of TWW (of which I'm one) are determined to ensure that all women in personal, social and economic need can access the centre whether they are offenders or not - this needs resources for us to remain true to Corston's vision for effective services for women. TWW is truly inspirational not least because centre users are fully involved at every level. To raise money, I have embarked on swimming 750K during the 2016 calendar year.
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Tomorrows Women Wirral

Birkenhead | Community Support & Development