
AKO Autism Expo 2021






Team Fundraisers

Date for your diary out Charity Autism Expo will be online again this year Friday 26th and Saturday 27th of March. Speakers will be announced very soon........

Anna Kennedy Online created the AKO Autism Expo as we want to support and inform as many families and carers as we can.

It’s a time to meet like-minded people, share stories, talk to an expert in one of our clinics and to find out more about Autism and it’s related conditions. 

All proceeds will be used to support the charity.

Anna Kennedy Online is a small charity run by passionate volunteers who want to make a difference!

Anna Kennedy Online is dedicated to promoting the inclusion and equality of children and adults with an autism spectrum condition throughout society.

The charity promotes its mission of disability equality by developing and sponsoring training, by raising awareness of the challenges faced by people with disabilities and also by its advocacy efforts with and on behalf of people with an autism spectrum condition. 
Anna Kennedy Online Logo

Anna Kennedy Online

What your gift could provide


Create the marketing materials for the public


To create the platform for public involvement


Be one of our official sponsors