
ASH (Action on Street Health)




Team Fundraisers

ASH - Action on Street Health is a joint initiative with Tomorrow's Women and Merseyside Police, supporting local sex workers on the Wirral.
Our aim is to provide them with some support around alternative choices and safety.  We provide them with clean needles and condoms as well as toiletries.  We provide a friendly listening ear and will advise the police of any dangerous activities or punters.

Our pink, signwritten van is well known in the area and the women appreciate our support.  We go out on certain evenings so that we can link in with the women whilst they are working.

Donations for this project will help towards the costs of staff working after hours, the ASH van (diesel, insurance, maintenance) as well as help us to provide the women with peripherals like clean needles, safety alarms, condoms, toiletries etc.  
charity media
Tomorrows Women Wirral Logo

Tomorrows Women Wirral

Birkenhead | Community Support & Development

What your gift could provide


Toiletries for at least 3 women


Clean needles and condoms for at least 5 women


Costs of running our ASK van (diesel, insurance and maintenance)