
Swimathon - Acorns Project - Swim 1 mile in 60min

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

Swimathon at Hadrian's Leisure Centre is back after 3 years. This year's chosen charity is Acorns Project.

My sister (Jenn Bridges), dad (Jim Bridges) and I will be completing the challenge as a team. Swim 1 mile in 60min. Thats 1.6KM. 64 x 25m in 60min. Acorns Project is an amazing group of people who have helped many children and families through difficult times.

Date: 27th November 2022

We are aiming to raise a minimum of £150 to help them continue supporting families. Please donate whatever you can afford. Every penny helps.
£10 - pays for craft supplies to deliver play therapy
£60 - pays for a counselling session for a child or their parent
£120 - pays for a therapeutic group session

Acorns Project is local to North Tyneside and Northumberland and provide support to children and families affected by domestic abuse through counselling, play therapy, Outreach and First response. Domestic abuse comes in many forms and can happen to anyone. It may include, but is not limited to, physical, psychological, sexual, emotional or financial abuse, as well as threatening, controlling or coercive behaviour and alcohol/substance abuse. Domestic abuse is not only traumatic for the victim but can have an incredibly detrimental effect on witnesses or those who have overheard it or seen the aftereffects, many of whom are inevitably children in the home.Research shows that children who experience domestic abuse are significantly more likely to suffer from emotional, behavioural and learning difficulties than those who do not, and that the impact can last into adulthood. These difficulties may include, but are not limited to, anxiety, depression, aggression, nightmares, bedwetting, sleep problems, self-harm and low self-esteem.

Their work aims to:
  • Improve physical and mental health and well-being
  • Increase personal resources by building self-esteem, confidence and assertiveness
  • Empower families to increase resilience and live safely and independently
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Acorns Project

North Shields | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring