
Fat bum to 5K - help Barbara run for charity!

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

SHORT VERSION: I'm turning 33 in May, and I've always HATED most forms of exercise. 3 weeks ago however, I started my couch to 5k training. The goal is to work up to running a 5km race by my birthday in May. I want to mark this achievement by raising funds for a local charity, Home-Start Banbury Bicester & Chipping Norton, who do very important work helping struggling parents and families. 

Those of you who know me... Know I am ABSOLUTELY NOT a runner build, that I'm a big fat bum who loves snacks and sitting down 😂 so I hope you will help motivate me by raising money for the cause!!! 💚☀️


6 months ago, I was depressed, overwhelmed and feeling the lowest in my life. I couldn't even motivate myself to get out of bed some days let alone work and look after my son. 

I contacted Home-start Banbury for help, and they sent a lovely lady to come visit us every week, to help my son get used to strangers, and it gave me a little break every time to get things done around the house that I couldn't before. They even got my son a Christmas present which I was incredibly touched by. 

So finally, I managed to motivate myself enough to start the Couch to 5K Programme. Currently I can run around 3.5km in one run, but I still have 8 weeks left to reach 5k! Please help motivate me, donate generously and stay tuned for updates about the run! 😊 
Home-Start Banbury, Bicester & Chipping Norton Logo

Home-Start Banbury, Bicester & Chipping Norton

BANBURY | Community Support & Development

Supporting parents with young children...because Childhood Can't Wait!