
Crowborough Charity of the Month




Team Fundraisers

Baby2Baby is a small charity with a big impact. Established in 2018, Baby2Baby is based in the countryside between Uckfield and Crowborough;  through the simple act of redistribution, we seek to alleviate poverty and associated adversity by gifting good quality baby and children's clothing and essential items to those in need of support in East Sussex and surrounding areas.

Crowborough Area Charities #pinkorblue2021 from Facebook.com/CrowboroughAreaCharities

Taking place on Wednesday 27th.Simply wear pink or blue, take a picture and upload to social media with the hashtag #pinkorblue2021 donate £1 via localgiving.com/CACOTM
It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, so could be a pair of socks or even a mask.
Please get involved

Family2Family Logo


Crowborough | Social Welfare

Gifting baby and children's clothing and essential items to families in need