On 21st June 2020, cyclists from Cardiff Ajax Cycling Club will be doing the vEverest Challenge.
vEveresting means that we'll be Cycling up Alpe du Zwift until we have completed 8848m of vertical ascent. It has to be completed in one attempt and we'll be on the bike for between 10 and 12 hours.
We'd love for you to come and cycle with us for a while on the day, and if you'd like to come and join in with our challenge that would be even better. If you'd rather do the challenge on a real hill, that's fine too!
We're doing this to raise money for Cardiff Foodbank, who do amazing work making sure that people in Cardiff do not go hungry. If you're interested in finding out more about their work follow the link: https://cardiff.foodbank.org.uk/
We have some Ajaxers (Jake Bailey, Matt Williams, Gary Davies, Toby Nichols, Ian Wallis and Tom Dye) and a very special guest (Martyn Locke) signed up.
Thanks for you support!!
Update: 6 of us completed the full elevation yesterday - it was a huge day in the saddle and we were very glad for all of the amazing support that we received and are so grateful to everybody who has sponsored us! Thank you!
Cardiff Foodbank
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff Foodbank's vision is that no-one in Cardiff goes hungry. Gweledigaeth Banc Bwyd Caerdydd yw bod neb yng Nghaerdydd yn mynd yn newynog.
Cardiff Ajax C.C. vEveresting Challenge
Physical Challenge
Cardiff Foodbank
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff Foodbank's vision is that no-one in Cardiff goes hungry. Gweledigaeth Banc Bwyd Caerdydd yw bod neb yng Nghaerdydd yn mynd yn newynog.
£3.55k of £2k
Team Fundraisers
On 21st June 2020, cyclists from Cardiff Ajax Cycling Club will be doing the vEverest Challenge.
vEveresting means that we'll be Cycling up Alpe du Zwift until we have completed 8848m of vertical ascent. It has to be completed in one attempt and we'll be on the bike for between 10 and 12 hours.
We'd love for you to come and cycle with us for a while on the day, and if you'd like to come and join in with our challenge that would be even better. If you'd rather do the challenge on a real hill, that's fine too!
We're doing this to raise money for Cardiff Foodbank, who do amazing work making sure that people in Cardiff do not go hungry. If you're interested in finding out more about their work follow the link: https://cardiff.foodbank.org.uk/
We have some Ajaxers (Jake Bailey, Matt Williams, Gary Davies, Toby Nichols, Ian Wallis and Tom Dye) and a very special guest (Martyn Locke) signed up.
Thanks for you support!!
Update: 6 of us completed the full elevation yesterday - it was a huge day in the saddle and we were very glad for all of the amazing support that we received and are so grateful to everybody who has sponsored us! Thank you!