
St Andrew's Christmas Gift Appeal




Days left

This Christmas, St Andrew's Youth Club would like to give a gift to over 200 children, throw a special Christmas celebration and hold Christmas craft workshops.

You can help make the festive season extra special for young people at St Andrew's. Donate to our Christmas Appeal and help put a smile on a child's face this December.

£10 Could help decorate the Club to make it festive
£15 Could buy a gift for a child
£25 Could buy art craft materials for a special Christmas craft workshop

About St Andrew Youth Club
This St Andrew’s is the oldest youth Club in the world. Founded 156 years ago, the Club enriches the lives of children and young people aged 5-18.Based just off Victoria Street the Club provide a sense of belonging, fun and informal education to over 500 Members each year, where they develop self-confidence, life skills, respect for others and build their abilities to contribute to society.

Thank you visiting our page and Merry Christmas!

*Please note if we raise over our target any remaining funds will go towards the general work of the Club.
St Andrew's Youth Club Logo

St Andrew's Youth Club


What your gift could provide


Could help decorate the Club to make it festive


Could buy a gift for a child


Could buy art materials for a special Christmas craft workshop