
The Acorn Social Group






Team Fundraisers

The Acorn is a social group for adults with learning disabilities/autism including those with more profound needs offering fun and friendship (and delivering on the promise that all people matter)
We are seeking to address social isolation and loneliness in people with learning disabilities.  Wokingham is perceived to be an area of affluence although we are aware that there are pockets of deprivation. The people that we support have low incomes and are amongst the most marginalised in society.  They have fewer opportunities due to their disabilities and their financial situation to access mainstream social activities – it is more difficult to be poor in a ‘rich’ area than in a poorer area.  Many are challenged with health and emotional issues which is detrimental to their ability to engage with their local community and to help themselves, leading to social isolation. 
Our ethos is to include local people in their local communities so that they feel part of and supported by their local community and contribute to their local community. There are other local social activities for adults with learning disabilities but our group offers choice to people with learning disabilities and specifically includes those with more profound disabilities who may find it difficult to access other social activities running in mainstream facilities.
The charity has had to adapt its services due to the impact of Covid-19 and initially all its clubs and services closed, with only its core team and Family Liaison Workers continuing to work to provide much-needed support.  Over the past months the charity has adapted and now offers activities to its members online via Zoom to help reduce the social isolating many of its members are suffering and to promote well-being.  The charity’s income has reduced as the usual fundraising opportunities have been curtailed and the charity has also seen a reduction in its income from club fees.
The charity needs funding for help to support it social clubs at this time to allow them to continue virtually until the lockdown ends and the groups can meet again in person and to support its core work.  Funding is needed for:
Staff Training – the charity would like to provide extra training to its staff at this time around using technology more effectively so that it can improve the service it offers and capture information more effectively and also training around support for coming out of lockdown.
Promise Inclusion Logo

Promise Inclusion


What your gift could provide


Zoom Hosting


Volunteers per year

