




Team Fundraisers

Our Drake House Captains Tabby and George are fundraising for the charity Devon & Cornwall Refugee Support .

On Thursday 24th October children can come to school wearing Mufti and for 25p take part in the competition to see how many colourful things they can wear.

Other competitions-

Raffle- strip for 50p or 10p a ticket

Score a goal against Mr BW! - 50p a go

Guess the name of the teddy - 50p for 2 turns

Guess the weight of the chocolate bar (between 1000-2000g) 50p for 2 turns.

Putting nails in a sieve - 50p a turn

If donating online please indicate which games your child is paying for and we will make sure they get a go.

Thank you for your support!

Devon & Cornwall Refugee Support (DCRS) Logo

Devon & Cornwall Refugee Support (DCRS)

Plymouth | Human Rights