
Membership Donations






Team Fundraisers

You are probabaly reading this having completed a membership form for EcoDewi.  If not, please visit our main EcoDewi fundraising page at https://localgiving.org/charity/ecodewi or email hello@ecodewi.org.uk to find out how to become a member.

EcoDewi Membership

At EcoDewi, we value the contribution that all of our members make and this can take various forms such as promoting our appeals, volunteering some time on our projects, completing a fundraiser or  making a small financial contribution. We therefore  do not charge for membership  but we do ask that those who are able to, make a very small donation on becoming a member, to contribute towards our running costs. These are things like our overheads, website domain and annual insurance, without which we could not operate.

If you are able to chip in, here are some suggested amounts:

  • £2 - the suggested minimum one-off donation
  • £6 - a larger one-off donation like this could help subsidise membership of two people who are unable to contribute financially 
  • £24 - this would be the equivalent of £2 per month and could be either a one-off payment or via direct debit.

Donations from our members, especially monthly or annual donations, allow us to forecast a budget more accurately which means we know we can cover our basic costs for insurance and website etc, and then focus all other donations and time on actual projects supporting our community.

If you have any questions at all, please email us at hello@ecodewi.org.uk.

Thanks in advance for your support; every donation, no matter how small really makes a difference!

The EcoDewi Team
EcoDewi Logo



What your gift could provide


is the recommended minimum membership donation


covers 2 other members who can't afford to donate


a one off donation of £24 or a monthly £2 donation