I have decided to take a leap of faith and do this Skydive to support a brilliant local charity Al's Pals who provide emotional and practical support to cancer patients and their families. No matter how scared I am of heights it can't compare to what cancer patients and there loved ones have to go through. Increasingly more and more of us have family, friends and work colleagues who have been affected by Cancer so it is something that we can all relate to. I hope you will join me in supporting this charity by donating to this page
Als Pals
MILTON KEYNES | Health & Wellbeing
MILTON KEYNES | Health & Wellbeing
Charity aids cancer patients with appointments, home support, and online community hub.
Ellie' Sky diving challenge for Al's Pals
Als Pals
MILTON KEYNES | Health & Wellbeing
MILTON KEYNES | Health & Wellbeing
Charity aids cancer patients with appointments, home support, and online community hub.
Team Fundraisers
I have decided to take a leap of faith and do this Skydive to support a brilliant local charity Al's Pals who provide emotional and practical support to cancer patients and their families. No matter how scared I am of heights it can't compare to what cancer patients and there loved ones have to go through. Increasingly more and more of us have family, friends and work colleagues who have been affected by Cancer so it is something that we can all relate to. I hope you will join me in supporting this charity by donating to this page