
GigBuddies and the Cardiff Half

Physical Challenge

£595 of £300





Days left

IImagine if you had to leave every night out at 9pm!

Do you believe that everyone has the right to go to gigs and events that they love, to party, and to Stay Up Late? For many people with a learning disability this is impossible. So I am running the Cardiff Half on 1st October 2023 for Gig Buddies. A fantastic  local charity who take people with a learning disability to gigs to have fun and enjoy real life experience. Please support me over the miles to give people the opportunity to see their favourite bands and hear their favourite music alongside others. Something that most of us just take for granted! 


Learning Disability Wales

Caerdydd | Disability

Learning Disability Wales Logo

£1.99k raised from 1 page

Gig Buddies Cymru

£1.99k raised since September 2019