On Sunday 19th 2021, Andi, Sarah and Jill will attempt to cycle 88 kms from London to Brighton. None of us have cycled before. (Sarah had to teach Jill how to again..and Andi had to buy a bike!..) Even whilst being chased by deer we’ve still not managed more than two laps of Richmond park yet.. but Jill has perfected falling over standing still on her borrowed bike..and Andi cycled into a parked car knocking the wing mirror off with her face.. So when we say this will be a challenge we are actually being very serious…! Jill roped Andi and Sarah into it after bucketfuls of wine..and they’ve never regretted it more..
However there is a serious reason underpinning this. Jill’s husband Paul was diagnosed with mesothelioma (asbestos cancer) in 2017 at the age of 43. It’s a nasty terminal cancer for which there is currently no cure.
Erasemeso.org was set up by Jill, Paul and trustees Rich & Wayne to fund research for a treatment or cure. Mesothelioma silently kills over 5000 Britons a year yet asbestos is still found in 50% of UK homes, 9 out of 10 hospital trusts and 70% of schools. Sadly the nos of cases of asbestos related diseases are rising with more young people being affected.
We would hugely appreciate any change you can spare. We really will do our best to complete the challenge avoiding A&E..and do you all proud. Training has now ramped up and we even get upset if we forget to press start on Strava!?
We aim to end asbestos cancer by raising awareness and funding a cure.
Thank you very, VERY much. Sarah, Andi and Jill xx PS for more info please go to erasemeso.org
Erase Meso
London | Health & Wellbeing
London | Health & Wellbeing
Andi, Sarah & Jill Cycle London to Brighton 2021
Physical Challenge
Erase Meso
London | Health & Wellbeing
London | Health & Wellbeing
Team Fundraisers
On Sunday 19th 2021, Andi, Sarah and Jill will attempt to cycle 88 kms from London to Brighton. None of us have cycled before. (Sarah had to teach Jill how to again..and Andi had to buy a bike!..) Even whilst being chased by deer we’ve still not managed more than two laps of Richmond park yet.. but Jill has perfected falling over standing still on her borrowed bike..and Andi cycled into a parked car knocking the wing mirror off with her face.. So when we say this will be a challenge we are actually being very serious…! Jill roped Andi and Sarah into it after bucketfuls of wine..and they’ve never regretted it more..
However there is a serious reason underpinning this. Jill’s husband Paul was diagnosed with mesothelioma (asbestos cancer) in 2017 at the age of 43. It’s a nasty terminal cancer for which there is currently no cure.
Erasemeso.org was set up by Jill, Paul and trustees Rich & Wayne to fund research for a treatment or cure. Mesothelioma silently kills over 5000 Britons a year yet asbestos is still found in 50% of UK homes, 9 out of 10 hospital trusts and 70% of schools. Sadly the nos of cases of asbestos related diseases are rising with more young people being affected.
We would hugely appreciate any change you can spare. We really will do our best to complete the challenge avoiding A&E..and do you all proud. Training has now ramped up and we even get upset if we forget to press start on Strava!?
We aim to end asbestos cancer by raising awareness and funding a cure.
Thank you very, VERY much. Sarah, Andi and Jill xx PS for more info please go to erasemeso.org