
NEW Express Production & Film Club




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NEW Production & Film Club for autistic 16-25 year olds

We are very excited to be developing a new offer for autistic young adults who are interested in theatre and films. Whether it be in front of the camera, scriptwriting, directing or behind the scenes. 

There are many talented young people in our community and we want to give them the opportunity to shine ✨ 

Can you help us?
We need help to buy equipment and materials and set up a bursary fund* for those who would not otherwise be able to attend.

Are you a business? 
Would you like to sponsor or donate a piece of equipment or fund an individual? 
Wish list: costumes/props/camera for filming
Contact us info@expresscic.org.uk

*Whilst many of our services are free, there is a charge for clubs, therapy and counselling services. We rely on donations and fundraising to ensure costs are low as possible. We aim to provide funded places where there is evidenced need.    
Express CIC (Autism Support & Services) Logo

Express CIC (Autism Support & Services)

Surbiton | Health & Wellbeing

Express CIC - Supporting autistic young people to express, connect and be themselves

What your gift could provide


towards props and materials


covers hire of space for a week


pays for 10 spaces at a session