
#Imnotdrunk's Highest Peak Challenge

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

Chloe and I (Ashley) will be hiking to the highest peak of each county on the Island of Ireland.
There are 32 counties in total on the Island of Ireland, 26 of which are in the Republic of Ireland and 6 in Northern Ireland. Some of the highest peaks overlap each other, which means it’s a good thing, because one mountain = two counties!!

All money raised is going towards Huntington's disease association Northern Ireland (HDANI). HDANI provide services to those affected in Northern Ireland and their families affected by this rare disease. 

My dad suffers from Huntington's disease and i have been caring for him for around 10+ years, i have experienced first hand the amazing work this charity does! Dad now lives in a nursing home and with my spare time i want to complete this challenge in the hopes to raise awareness and money for HDANI.

Chloe has been my best friend from we were small children and has seen first hand the effects this disease can have. Chloe is a qualified nurse/midwife and knows only too well the affects this disease can have on families. She has seen my father deteriorate from a fit and active man who loved water skiing, to the man he is today. 

With both our father's being best friends since they were teenagers, Chloe has always been there to support me in everyday. I appreciate all her support in helping me achieve this challenge, and keeping me company up the mountains. 

Check out the HDANI link on this page to learn more about Huntington's Disease (HD)

Thank you to everyone who donates, 

Ashley + Chloe
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Huntingtons Disease Association Northern Ireland Logo

Huntingtons Disease Association Northern Ireland

Belfast | Disability