
Hike for Homelessness 2021

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hike4thehomeless2021/

I am a 35 year old resident of Cornwall and I have lived in and around the Liskeard/Bodmin most of my life. Additionally, I have spent much of my working life in Truro.

I am a keen outdoorsman and spend the vast majority of my free time partaking in outdoor activities. 

During the CV19 lockdowns we have had, I have found my "trekking boots" again and undertook a personal challenge of walking 300KM in 30 days which I successfully completed.

It got me thinking about a personal goal of mine, which was to undertake a very famous mountaineering route in the French and Swiss Alps called the "Haute Route".

However, after much deliberation, I have decided to change the location of this summers' Hike for the Homeless.With the current COVID19 situation in Europe and the UK Governments' ongoing travel restrictions it would be irresponsible and impractical to continue to plan for an overseas expedition this summer.Therefore, I have have decided on an equally challenging expedition based here in the UK.I will be climbing the 10 highest mountains in the UK in 10 days.The distance is equivalent [210km] as is the elevation [15,000m] to what I was planning.I would like to thank you all for your ongoing support and understanding. 
charity media
St Petrocs Cornwall Logo

St Petrocs Cornwall

Truro | Housing / Homelessness

Cornish charity aiming to end homelessness; visit stpetrocs.org.uk to help.