
JTTashandThe Lap





Team Fundraisers

Myself and my wife Tash are raising funds for this amazing charity, Touchstones. Both my children play in football teams where this charity has had an impact in different ways. My wife works with children that again have had a number of experiences with Touchstones. I can't read through the stories on their website without crying. So what are you going to about it JT? Well my wife suggested a year ago that we should go for a run in the Lake District. I agreed, what a lovely spot I thought. The next thing I know we've signed up for 'The Lap Anti-Clockwise September 2024'. It's just a run round lake Windemere I was told. Hang on a minute no it isn't. I thought it would be a run hugging the beautiful shoreline, when it fact it's running up mountains over 47 miles!!!!

Training has been mixed, my knees told me some years ago that running isn't for me. Balancing some 5am runs with work and hectic Dad taxi requirements has proved difficult. I'm being honest I don't feel in the most dynamic shape of my life. But in all seriousness I can't complain about anything. When it's cold and I'm tired and I want to go home I'll think of the charity, stop beating myself up and get on with it. If you are able to support us we'd really appreciate it. Thanks. JT


Event Details

The Lap

Sat 14 Sep 2024

Trail Ultra Marathon

Touchstones Child Bereavement Support Logo

Touchstones Child Bereavement Support

Alcester | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring