





Team Fundraisers

Hi everyone  I’ve decided to support my lovely friend Dawn west in taking part in a sky dive for a great charity that supports Mental Health. Having personally met many of the TONIC team I know how hard and dedicated they are to this charity and how much they really want to make a change.

My skydive will take place on the 20th of April. Anyone that knows me will know I’m not a particular lover of heights so this is a huge challenge for me but I look forward to it non the less. 

Any contribution is welcome and much appreciated in helping people that suffer. Remember mental health issues can’t always be seen or noticed so any help is a step in the right direction. 

Thanks for reading my page and you’ll find a link to the charity on this page for more information on the TONIC charity. 

Jedd xx

charity media
Tonic Music for Mental Health Logo

Tonic Music for Mental Health

PORTSMOUTH | Health & Wellbeing