
The Lord-Lieutenant for Young and Talented Appeal




Team Fundraisers

In 2017 we supported over 20 young people and we hope that going forward we will be running at least two funding rounds per year supporting more and more young and talented Dorset residents.

Why they need our service

Dorset is home to a diverse array of talented young people.Some of the county's brightest prospects, however, lack the means to pursue their dreams fully and that's where The Lord-Lieutenant's Fund for Young and Talented comes in.The fund will provide grants to gifted young people between the ages of 14 and 21, so that they're better equipped to reach their potential. In 2017/18 we will be supporting talented sports stars and we hope that with more donations we can expand to other areas.

Plan and expected results

The fund will be supporting those from particularly disadvantaged backgrounds that do not have the means to pursue their talent. Your kind donations will help us remove financial and access barriers which prevent young people from achieving their ambitions.

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Dorset Community Foundation

Poole | Community Support & Development