
LTC Land's End to John O'Groats Charity Challenge

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

27th April. We did it TWICE and we're all home safely. Fantastic job!

Come and join the Lymington Triathlon Club Charity Challenge!
When: Sat and Sun 25th-26th April, 2020
Where: From or at your own home!
Why: To raise money for New Forest Basics Bank
How: Cycle, run or walk over the weekend, tell us how far you go, within government guidelines, and we will add it to the LTC total distance and see how far the club gets. It's only 1,407km there and 1,407km back!
What to do:
On Saturday:
cycle within your daily exercise allowance or pedal away on your turbo trainer and then tell us what distance you do asap. We hope that in the 24 hours, between us all, we can cover the 1,407km to John O'Groats and we will give you updates on this page during the day to let you know how we're all doing!
On Sunday: run or walk, again within your daily exercise allowance, or round your garden or house and then let us know what distance you do asap. Let's see how far back down we get in one day! Will we still be in Scotland or will we get back across the border? Again there'll be regular updates on this page.
How to report your distance: To non members of the club who would like to take part, thank you! Please tell us the distance you've covered cycling, running or walking that day in the comments along with your donations on this page and we will add it to the grand total.
And don't forget to make your donation 😊  We suggest a minimum of £5 for taking part.
Email us at lymtriclub@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Thank you for all your support and enjoy!

Please remember the most important thing is to keep safe and well. Under the current government guidelines we should stay at home but we can go out for:
  • one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle – alone or with members of your household
  • and even when doing these activities, you should be minimising time spent outside of the home and ensuring you are 2 metres apart from anyone outside of your household.

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New Forest Basics Bank

Lymington | Community Support & Development