
Sponsored Abseil.

Physical Challenge

£325 of £150





Days left

Against my better judgement I have succumbed to peer pressure and will be abseiling down the side of the St John’s Church Keynsham at 9:30am on Saturday 20th April. 

For some people this sounds fun, however I am scared of heights! I’m going first at so I can get it over with and Ross Lawson will be following close behind at 10am.

Come along, support us, and raise some money for a great charity. If you can’t make it please sponsor me! Any spare pennies will be greatly appreciated. 

My wonderful friend Laura Jefferies puts her life and soul into enriching the lives of the members of Keynsham mencap. So it’s the least I can do to put my fears to one side to show her how much she means to everyone who gets the pleasure of meeting her. 


Keynsham and District Mencap

Bristol | Disability

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