
Park Benches




Days left

We would like to improve the existing benches within Linn Park, and to also provide more seating to ensure the park is accessible and a welcoming place for all to visit. 
We have already been installing slabs to the front of any benches set into soft ground - this is to ensure they are still use-able through the wetter months.
We plan to refurbish the existing benches near the Seil Drive end play area by replacing slats if needed and by re-painting and bringing them back to a smart appearance.
We plan to fundraise for two or three new benches and we will install these in the park. One wil replace the memorial bench which was broken - one will be installed when we re-open the link to Greenock Avenue, and the third will be place to break up the long distance between the Seil drive end and the golf course entrance. 
We also plan to extend the information markers within the park to the area currently not accessible.
We estimate we will need £7000 to deliver this for the park.     
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Friends of Linn Park


What your gift could provide


A new information board


materials to refurbish an existing bench


a whole new bench for the park