
Team MIH - Sarah’s

Physical Challenge

£911 of £2k





Days left

Sarah Bentley (MIH Founder) and Sarah Biggs (MIH trustee) have joined forces with some amazing friends and colleagues to enter Made in Hackney’s first ever “Veg Dash” on Saturday 15 October. Our wonderful team includes:

  • Carla Monsora - Founder of Young Vegans
  • Lauren Lovatt - Founder of the Plant Academy & MIH cookery teacher
  • Kate Magic - Founder of Raw Living and pioneering raw food chef.
We will be dressed in our best fruit and vegetable outfits, running around Hackney on a ten stop hunt for fruit and vegetable themed locations. More than just fun, this event comes at a poignant moment in MIH’s history, celebrating our 10th anniversary. Fundraising will allow us to continue our vital work in supporting the local community with much needed food and meals. Read more about Made in Hackney and our work here: https://madeinhackney.org 

So please sponsor us to support our community and in return we will share our fruit and vegetable fancy dress antics for your amusement! Thank you. 


Made In Hackney - Community Cookery School

London | Health & Wellbeing

Made In Hackney - Community Cookery School Logo

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