
Men In Sheds Nuneaton




Team Fundraisers

MIS run Tues & Thurs 10am-12pm at George Elliot Hospital. They are about to lose their current home and unless they can find a new one then the group will fold. They have been offered a patch of ground to build a new 'lodge'. The men themselves will oversee the erecting of a new building, supported by professional knowledge and advice where necessary. They have around three months to do this and get their new home ready for the summer.

Why they need our service

MIS are a social/skill sharing group of gents who meet as volunteers twice each to make/repair items for sale and commission. They make many items out if wood and monies raised, plus donations keep the group running, plus enable donations for Mary Ann Evans Hospice, GEH Art for Health Sake programme and enable them to enter into local events in order to raise their profile. The group is established for men who are isolated, lonely, retired, wanting to share skills and connect with others.

Plan and expected results

This new site will be a permanent home, offering security and stability for growth and promotion. The men also have already secured much specialist equipment. The results will be a home which is built to their needs, a space with which the group can grow and welcome new members, giving local gents the opportunity to join and benefit from this successful group.

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