Mairead and Mary are shaving their heads to raise funds for HDANI
Come along and join the craic at Corr's Corner on Saturday 5th April at 7.30pm when Mairead and Mary are bravely getting their heads shaved to raise money for a cause close to their hearts.
HDANI is the only dedicated source of information, advice and support for hundreds of families impacted by Huntington's disease in Northern Ireland. HD is a rare, inherited, neurodegenerative brain disease which gradually causes people to lose control of their thoughts, behaviour, movement, speech and swallow. There is currently no cure and every child born to a person with HD has a 50% risk of inheriting the disease. Your donations will allow HDANI to provide advice, practical and emotional support, opportunities for local families to receive therapies and to connect, socialise and learn from each other.
Along with the head shaving, there will be live music, dancing and a fantastic raffle.
It's just £10 on the door and the event is kindly sponsored by Paul Darby Plumbing and Heating.
Please take a minute to help raise awareness of Huntingtons' Disease by following our Facebook page
Sat 05 Apr 2025
Corr's Corner, 315 Ballyclare Rd, Newtownabbey BT36 4TQ, 7.30pm